Our cardiothoracic surgery MCQ bank includes 2000+ questions covering all of the part one topics, you will be able to tackle the first part of the exam with confidence.
We’re proudly introducing our new course, which is completely standalone and different from our MCQ Bank, it is aimed to test your knowledge after studying a topic, N.B. it is a work in progress.
A long list of cardiothoracic viva topics and how to answer them accurately in the exam also you will learn about the PITFALLS in each topic to avoid it as it might cost you valuable marks.
Step by step instructions on how to go through any long case scenario you might face in the exam and again what to say and what not to say, long cases are the most difficult part of the exam.
It is all about time management in short cases you will learn about how to perform a quick and efficient short case examination in various and most common cardiothoracic scenarios.
How to approach CXR, chest CT, Echo, Coronary angiography, CT Angio and more imaging modalities that you might encounter in the imaging station of the exam.
List of the most common cardiac and thoracic instrument that will appear in the exam and how to identify them and answer any questions that might be asked by the examiners.
List of the most important and key research papers arranged by category, these papers will help you structure your answer in an evidence based way to achieve the highest marks.
Here you will find some of our personal concise notes, cardiothoracic notes and guidelines plus further reading material that is extremely useful for whatever exam you are preparing to take.
A comprehensive list of past FRCS CTH exams, including VIVA (basic science, cardiac, thoracic, congenital) topics, short cases, long cases, instruments and imaging topics